Avis de tempêtes - bulletin anarchiste pour la guerre sociale n°43-44 (juillet-août 2021) est sorti.
Pour lire, imprimer et diffuser ce petit bulletin autour de...
Eingegangen am 23/03/2021 bei malacoda.noblogs.org
Chaos für die Meute
Wir als Interkiezionale Bündnis rufen alle solidarischen und freiheitsliebenden Menschen auf, am und um den 25. März...
Giuseppe Pinelli, nicknamed Pino - Born 21 October 1928 in Milan, Italy, killed 15 December 1969 in Milan, Italy.
"Apocalyptic" scenes from the fierce riot that "exploded" in Athens on 6 December 2015, commemorating the 7th year since 15 years old Alexis Grigoropoulos...
18.07.2020: Social rebel, counterfeiter, bandit, modern Robin Hood – the list of titles with which our anarchist comrade Lucio Urtubia was honoured is long....
“The resistance is global… a trans-pacific collaboration has brought this web site into existence.”
that’s how the first article on seattle.indymedia.org started on November 24th...
In his excellent biography, Sabaté: Guerrilla Extraordinary, Antonio Tellez (himself a member of the anti-Franco guerrilla resistance), recounts some of Sabaté’s exploits from his youth until his...