Berlin: No peace for war profiteers – revenge for Şehîd Sara and all others


Received 19/04/2021

Berlin: No peace for war profiteers – revenge for Şehîd Sara and all others: DB Schenker truck set on fire

In Kurdistan, not a day goes by without war. In addition to military operations, the Turkish state is currently waging a low-intensity war. This means that smaller attacks are continuously being carried out at various levels (military, supply, etc.). The purpose of the strategy seems to be to wear down the local people. But it also causes Internationalists worldwide to lose sight of the struggles in Kurdistan and turn to other issues.

As internationalists we do not see ourselves as supporters but as part of the struggle. But in the capitalist metropolises we have learned to react reflexively to grievances with short term campaigns. Unfortunately, this makes us predictable and our actions often retain only symbolic character. In the case of the attacks on Kurdistan in recent years, we have always responded only to large-scale military offensives of the Turkish state: We responded to the Turkish attack on Afrin Canton in January 2018 with the Fight4Afrin campaign ( , and to the attack on Kobanê and Cizîrê Cantons in October 2019 with the Riseup4Rojava (  and Fight4Rojava campaigns ( . During the campaigns we have shown how creative and determined we can be together in the heart of the beast! We have shown how much we reject the support of the Turkish state in its warfare and take our own risks! We have shown that we know the profiteers, can name others and make them pay! We have shown that different forms of action complement each other and that we will not let ourselves be divided!

But even after the campaigns, the slogan “German weapons, German money murder all over the world!” has lost nothing of its topicality. The economy and politics in the heart of the beast continue to create the conditions against which our friends in Kurdistan are fighting.

We think that we should not lose focus and instead turn the tables: Break the continuity of the war and its support with our own continuity of attacks to wear down the profiteers of war. We have to break with the campaign logic and strategically discuss how we can create a continuity of attacks on our part together. Our current proposal is that campaign-style attacks should be replaced by continuous, asymmetric attacks, by which we mean: attacking at unpredictable times, in surprising places, poorly protected targets whose direct connection to the conflict is not visible at first glance. We must not lose sight of our goals, even if they are pushed into the background by media attention. We want to remain focused, even in times when other issues seem more topical at first glance. Actions with different objectives should always be combined (causing material damage, creating publicity, etc.). The struggle must remain constant on the streets of Europe to show the war profiteers that there is no quiet hinterland for them!

We set fire to a DB Schenker truck in Berlin-Lichtenberg in the night from 10 to 11.4.2021. To prevent the fire from spreading to other nearby objects, our ignition device started in the middle area of the truck and not at the very front under the driver’s cab and engine. To this – and to a possibly more robust ground protection of the vehicles of this group, we attribute the lower damage.

The company DB Schenker earns its money, among other things, with logistics for NATO forces and is jointly responsible for armament transports to the Turkish army. (

We call for attacks on DB Schenker, which could mean publicly exposing the company or finding and destroying their trucks parked in the streets. One truck means property damage for the company, many trucks could cause the company to get out of the defense industry. Since DB Schenker operates internationally, the company can also be attacked in many places.

We dedicate this action to our friend Sarah Handelmann (Şehîd Sara Dorşîn), who was taken from us two years ago, on 7.4.2019. She was assassinated by the Turkish Air Force in the mountains of Southern Kurdistan. Sara, you are immortal and will always be with us in our struggle and our hearts!

Revenge Unit Şehîd Sara Dorşîn  (

(source  http://4sy6ebszykvcv2n6.onion/node/146901