Kiev, Ukraine: Anarchists burned Lexus, deputy chairman of the EPU Grachev


Received 26/05/18

Since some anarcho-cells in Kiev have started burning cars, we decided to join this activity.

On May 21, 2018, we set off the mid-size Lexus RX crossover. It stood near a multi-storey building at the address: Kiev, Artillery Lane, 9a. The fire also damaged the nearby SUV Mitsubishi Pajero.

As it turned out, Lexus belonged to the Deputy Chairman of the European Party of Ukraine, Sergei Grachev. On the official website of the EPU there was a statement (12 ) about the arson of the car. This is bingo!

Sergei Grachev – a politician, a liberal and just a scoundrel, to put it mildly. We dislike his way of life and his party. As anarchists we stand on the positions of self-government and social equality. We do not divide politicians on the pro-government and the opposition. For us, they are all enemies and traitors. Each of them deserves absolutely fair hatred and retribution.

According to the owner of Lexus, his neighbors woke him up and reported that his car was burning. He tried to extinguish the car on own with the help of a fire extinguisher, but to no avail. It’s nice to realize that fire extinguishers cannot extinguish take anarchist napalm.

As reported by the State Emergency Service, the call for fire came at 2:19, and the fire was extinguished at 2:43. This time the firemen worked extremely quickly.

About the arson itself we will not talk much – everything can be seen on the video and photos. We can only advise you to use thick napalm without gasoline for arson on protected sites or near large residential complexes. The liquid starts burning gradually, without clapping or flashing, without disturbing sleeping guards, dogs, tenants and your eyesight.

PS. Recently, on the Lysaya Hill in Kiev, nationalists burned the tents of the Roma. You have to be an absolute scum to destroy the huts of beggars and vagabonds! We call upon the young radicals, who have not completely lost their mind, to join the arson of the property of the rich and powerful.

Until the new arson, comrades!

Anarchist cell “Fedos Shchus” / FAI
