Received 21/10/2019
CALL-OUT TO DEMO AM 2.11.19 – feminist, determined, irreconcilable
More than one year after our last demo on 29.09.18 we want to go to a demonstration together with you and the other threatened projects.
On 2.11.19 we want to come together from the Lausitzer Platz and the Köpi at the Schlesischen Tor and then move from Kreuzberg to Friedrichshain powerfully and loudly.
The situation of the Liebig34 has not changed. It has only become more threatening.
In the last few months we have not let ourselves be undermined or small-minded by the dominance and the negotiations of crappy Cis types. Nothing will change about that. More than 10 years ago Padovicz snatched the house of the house community in the last minute in front of their nose and then issued a lease contract which gives the people living in the house considerably less rights than regular tenants*. Our case, which is to be negotiated on 15.11.19 at 9:00 a.m. in the Tegeler Weg, joins a series of rental scandals. Only we have less chances and possibilities due to this trick and were only therefore terminable at all. Three weeks after the possibly lost trial the Liebig34 can be cleared.
Our answer is to shit on the end of the lease and stay here. With this we show solidarity with the occupations of the last years, want to actively shape a rebellious neighborhood and question property and rent.
So the battle for Berlin as a city from below is entering the next round and is getting worse and worse. Also the reports about new projects threatened with evictions are accumulating and show that more and more self-organized, left-wing and resisting spaces should disappear from the surface. Long-established house projects and cultural spaces that are integrated into their neighborhoods are to give way to chic and upgrading yuppie castles and form gated communities. Syndikat, Potse, mutiny, the Kad(t)erschmiede and now also the Köpi including Wagenplatz are to disappear from the cityscape. Our strength lies in the fact that we do not face this threat in isolated cases. It is not only the spaces that they want to take from us – we are to disappear individualized and without rebelling.
Our fight against this injustice is one that we must conduct together and uncompromisingly.
In our solidarity with each other, cops and repressive organs see a danger they cannot deal with. We also see this in the disproportionate violence, the arbitrary action and the amount of charges against rebellious structures. After the squatting of Landsberger Allee, for example Primbo was imprisoned for almost two weeks because of a trespass and a invented communal resistance.
People from our collectives are overwhelmed by repression. The cops practice their paramilitary clown show in front of our front door and show us what could happen if they besiege the Dorfplatz and buzz over our neighbourhood with 7 helicopters.
We don’t let ourselves be pushed into a corner or split. We are more determined than ever to defend our beloved home and fight for our passions and ideas. The Liebig34 is not a beautiful life house project in the chic and trendy Friedrichshain. It is a place that is resistant to cops, speculation and patriarchal violence.
For years we have seen ourselves as a shelter. The cops and the threat of eviction have restricted us in this possibility. However, this does not make us weaker and just more irreconcilable with the state and patriarchy. They will never be able to break us.
In the last few months there have been more and more texts of FLINT*-groups, who among other things show solidarity with our struggle. We see it as necessary steps to increase the pressure on the streets and to clearly declare war on the capitalist patriarchy. All these actions empower us and show that we are not alone. Militant feminist groups are necessary right now, when patriarchal structures attack our utopias, as it happens in Rojava. Patriarchy is not a side contradiction and feminism must not lose its quick-wittedness through capitalist appropriation. Words are no longer enough, also feminists* can bring down the system.
Let us form feminist gangs and live radical anarchafeminist practice!
Come to Kreuzberg on 2.11. and be loud, creative and chaotic!
We remain true to our line – feminist, determined and irreconcilable.
And do not forget Day X !