Italy: “Scripta Manent” operation – Anna was transferred to the prison of Lecce


Received 23/10/2019

Italy: “Scripta Manent” operation – Anna was transferred to the prison of Lecce (October 21st, 2019)

We received news of Anna’s transfer, which took place yesterday, October 21st, 2019. She was transferred from L’Aquila to the “Borgo San Nicola” prison in Lecce. Below is the address taken from the ministerial sites, to be confirmed with precision as soon as her correspondence is received. We remember that Anna was arrested on September 6th, 2016, for the “Scripta Manent” operation and on April 24th, 2019, she was sentenced to 17 years of prison, in the first instance sentence of the trial.

Anna Beniamino
Casa Circondariale di Lecce “Borgo San Nicola” (sezione femminile)
via Perrone 4
73100 Lecce