Wallmapu: 47 Logging Trucks Destroyed as The Trial of 10 Mapuche Comunerxs Begins


During the night of August 19, 18 logging trucks burned in Wallmapu. The action this time was claimed by the group Weichan Auka Mapu in solidarity with the 10 comunerxs that faced trial the next day.

The torched trucks were still smoking when a strong security presence was put into operation at the court of Temuco to begin the great judicial theater. The aim is to use the anti-terrorist law to condemn the incendiary attack that caused the death of the landowner Luchsinger Mackay on January 4th, 2013.

The indicted are: José Tralcal Coche, Juan Segundo Tralcal Coche, Juan Segundo Tralcal Quidel, Luis Sergio Tralcal Quidel, José Arturo Córdoba Tránsito, Aurelio Catrilaf Parra, Eliseo Catrilaf Romero, Sergio Catrilaf Marilef, Sabino Catrilef Quidel and Francisca Linconao.

During the first week of trial, a new attack again ignited the capitalist interests in Wallmapu. 29 trucks were cremated. Leaflets left in the sector clarified the authorship and intentions of the massive attack: “No to the Luchsinger Mackay frame-up. Freedom to all P.P. (political prisoners). Fire and sabotage to the forest industry”.

It is expected that the inquisitorial process will last for a couple of months.

Solidarity with the prosecuted Mapuche comunerxs!

Down with all the prisons!

(via Publicacion Refractario, translated by Insurrection News)

via insurrectionnewsworldwide.com