Leipzig, Germany: Arson Attack Against the Federal Court


During New Years Eve in Leipzig, eastern Germany, the night of excess was used to initiate an attack on a target that, up until then, deemed itself as heavily protected and untouchable. Every year for the first half hour of the New Year, the big cities are covered in thick layers of fog and smog, never ending noises of explosions and masses of people who take over the sidewalks and community spaces to get a good look at the fireworks.

The attacker’s goal was the Federal Court and the State Prosecutor. This institution figuratively and literally represents the central organ of the judiciary, the State and its democratic society.

200 meters away from the Federal Court, a burning barricade blocked the intersection, so that the group could carry out the attack against the Federal Court and the nearby Lusatia Fraternity Corps without any disturbances. Stones broke through the windows of the Fraternity House and paint balls were thrown at the facade. The mobile cameras of the court house were sprayed followed by people jumping the fence and trying to break through the security glass. The front door and the window frame of the court house were set alight, sadly the insides of the building were left undamaged. In front of the court, another barricade was set ablaze, cars were smashed and burned. The whole street was covered in smoke, released from the cartridges of the attackers.

A choreography, which led the Attorney General of Saxony to believe in a high level of professionalism behind the attack. He was very quick to announce a new level of left radical violence. Not only did the delinquents attack the State, but the whole society. Nothing that actually hasn’t been heard before.

Around the New Year, several attacks against State property were carried out. For example the arson attack against the District Court in Berlin-Wedding and the District Court and the District Attorney’s office in Hamburg in the last week of december 2018. In the first weeks of January there were attacks on the Court building in the south of Germany, Stuttgart and some days later in Freiburg and against the Court in Göttingen, as an attack against deportations and the regime’s racist laws.

Let‘s continue to target these institutions!

As long as we walk these streets we will try to burn down every court that people get dragged in front of every day!

(via Deutschland Indymedia, slightly edited for clarity)