Italy: Updates about the situation of anarchists D. Delogu and G. Bruna


Received 23/05/2020

Italy: Updates about the situation of anarchists Davide Delogu and Giuseppe Bruna

Update on the anarchist Sardinian prisoner deported Davide Delogu, as of May 21st (from Sardegna Anarchica):

From today’s (May 21st) phone call with Davide we learn that the prisoner who had started the protest with him, since he too has been in solitary confinement since January, has broken off the protest. We bring back Davide’s message:

«He no longer continues the strike for his own reasons, but he sympathizes with me by not taking the lousy food from the prison. My conflict has increased, verbally assaulting and defying, and let Commander Rizzo come to my cell to give me explanations! But since he is a great coward, he delegates to the inspectors who come to commission me his repressive decisions and also to them as with other evil guards, at my request “if they have the courage – I tell them – to open the cell and come and tell me to my face”, but they run away. Infamous!».

The Sardinian anarchist comrade, a deported prisoner, Davide Delogu, never needed to be told of hold on in his almost 20 years in prison, he keeps his head up, continues not to submit to the barbarism, carries on his total struggle in an indeterministic and never resigned way. Davide has never been a victim of prison repression, he doesn’t suffer harassment, at most it is he who does it.

But it is urgent to move in his support!

The total isolation to which he has been subjected for months, the continuous renewal of censorship, the continuous transfers, the book packages that are not delivered to him, the deportation from his Sardinia, the new protest that he has been carrying out since May 14th… Davide cannot carry all this weight alone. It is time to be there!

We know that in his long imprisonment he never gave ground, showing his teeth, we know that we are on the side of those who don’t accept and who don’t resign themselves, and we remain at his side unconditionally once again.

And although we are convinced that anarchist action must be a constant, we hope that especially at this time the refractory fire will transmit as much heat as possible to him.

Freedom for Davide! Davide in Sardinia!

Sardegna Anarchica [Anarchist Sardinia] Cassa di Sostegno per l’Anarchico Sardo Prigioniero Deportato Davide Delogu [Support Fund for the Anarchist Sardinian Deported Prisoner Davide Delogu]

Anarchist Giuseppe Bruna on May 11th, 2020, began hunger strike in Pavia prison (from Fuori dalla riserva):

We learn from a private letter received from Beppe that he has been on hunger strike since May 11, 2020, in response to a failed transfer from the section where he is.

He informs us that no doctor has visited him since the outbreak of the pandemic, despite the various cases of contagion found inside the prison of Pavia; he also informs us that he has not received any health treatment regarding his other pathologies.

Phone calls to his mother, sister and partner have been authorised, but in absurd conditions.

Beppe asks us to spread as much as possible his battle for a transfer to AS2 (“High Surveillance 2”). For this he will lead the hunger strike to the bitter end.

He sends a closed fist salute.
