Italy: Update on September 20 arrests


Received 07/10/2019

Italy: Update on September 20 arrests and coordinates for solidarity contributions and benefits

From September 20, 2019, our comrades Amma, Patrick and Uzzo are in “Le Vallette” prison (in Turin) accused of aggravated resistance to a public official, violence, damage and dirtying. The usual prosecutor’s office of Turin wants to take revenge for the day of February 9, when a demonstration of hundreds of people took to the streets of the city to express anger after the eviction of Asilo occupato and the arrest of some comrades [in the context of “Scintilla” repressive operation of February 7].

On September 20, in addition to the three arrests, many homes were searched, and 11 people on similar charges received a ban on staying in Turin on similar charges.

We have created a poste-pay card to concentrate all the money obtained from benefits, initiatives, or from anyone who wants to contribute to the maintenance of fellow prisoners and to the costs already to be faced (lawyers, train journeys to Turin, judicial review) and which must be deal with when the process begins.

The coordinates of the created card are:

Accountholder: Alice Zaffaroni
Poste pay card number: 5333 1710 8726 9136
Iban [necessary for international transactions]: IT62I3608105138291221891240
Bic code [necessary for international transactions]: PPAYITR1XXX