Italy: Direct actions in solidarity with anarchists arrested in Operation “Scripta Manent”



Trento: In the night between 7th and 8th, 9 cars of Italian postal service were torched. Stop deportation. For the arrested in Scripta Manent.

Ignis Ardens.

Bologna: In a night of boredom in Bologna, a supermarket was sanctioned and its invasive eyes were blinded. Immediately after this act, the flames of a roadblock broke the city quietness, screaming our complicity whit those hit by repression. You can act everywhere and in every moment. No one has to give us the green light, or impose the how on us.

Tired of those who imprison us.

Tired of those who are watching and spying us.

As reply fire and action!

Solidarity for the arrested in scripta manent and for everyone behind bars.

Some skeevygenic timewasters

via Traces Of Fire