(Graz/Austria) – Car of Sodexo set on fire
In the darkness of the 6th of march we set a car of the company Sodexo in Graz on fire. Sodexo makes a profit with the deportation system by delivering shitty food to deportation centers. All companies that profit from this industry are our enemies and just deserve our hatred.
We feel connected to all accomplices who are fighting against the domination in this world.
Above all, those behind bars and those who support them, we want to show our revolutionary solidarity through this fire!
Through the walls we specifically send a burning hug to all recently detained anarchists in Turin, Trento and Rovereto. SILVIA, NICCOLO, BEPPE, ANTONIO, STECCO, RUPERT, AGNESE, SASHA, POZA, NICO, GIULIO tutti liberi!
We also send a burning greeting through the bars to Loić! We hope that you will feel supported by such acts in your unbending attitude.
For this action, we used fire accelerators that we filled into emptied beverage cans. We put the cans on the floor under the tires of the car. After 5 to 10 minutes, the tires burn and the car flares off.
Fire to Sodexo!
Fire to all cages!
via 325.nostate.net