Berlin, Germany: Intersquat Block at the chaos and discussion days [10/5. -13/5]


You’re invited to an Intersquat Block at the Chaos and Discussion days in May in Berlin. We want to offer the space for an exchange on our tactics and techniques, discussions and information within the Chaos and Discussion days at Rigaerstrasse.

Structurally we don’t plan on this being an equal replacement for the past Intersquat meetings, unless you want to make it such. We do think this is a good opportunity to connect the general discussions on the sense and future of urban struggles with questions that come up when considering squatting as more than a tool to satisfy basic housing needs. We hope for a discussion on the importance of squatting for other liberatory struggles, houses as political tools, questions on working within and with neighbourhoods and more.

Evictions, Repression, Surveillance, Prisons, the maggots using and supporting oppressive structures are everywhere let’s get together to support each other and smash the ball not just into their court but through its heart.

If you personally or as a group are interested, have workshops, stuff to discuss, an info event or anything else in mind for the intersquat block or the whole weekend, just write us @ rigaerstrasse [at] riseup [dot] net PGP-Key-ID 0x3971B260E4B15B69

You can find more info about the weekend on some informations are updated in german first and translated a bit later though

To arrange sleeping places you can write to sleepingchaos [at] riseup [dot] net with PGP-Key-ID 0xA9DE538A73306A20

Rigaerstraße Assembly

Feel free to send this message on to groups, people and houses you know! And please send us your PGP-Key if you have one
