Received 06/08/2020
Attack on Consulate General and Embassy of Belarus
“Bread, Salt, Land and Freedom” can be heard in the streets of all Belarus at present. Everywhere people and our friends have been streaming onto the streets since August 9th. Unusual for a country where activists disappear, are tortured or draconian prison sentences are supposed to suppress any thought of another world. But the population is looking for alternatives and our companions are right in the middle of it:
“We should not forget that anarchists are against not only this presidential election, but against any president in general. The Belarusian people have long known that power corrupts everyone. Lukashenko may be replaced by an opposition politician, who will keep power in the country and continue repression against his own population. We must rise up not to get a new president, but to live without presidents. Decentralization of power should be a key factor in the transition from dictatorship to a free society.“
While the madman from Belarus, self-proclaimed president, congratulates his murderous cop units and symbolically walks through Minsk with a Kalashnikov, the strikes and attacks on these units continue. The fear must be deep-seated of losing power, so he had the Internet turned off, sent the military to fight the demos and his whole family ran through the streets with weapons.
In Berlin, too, we follow the events and were inspired by the attack on the Belarusian embassy in Paris.
We send our greetings and strength to our anarchist friends and all the other rebels in the streets, following the call for international solidarity:
“Support from the outside inspires not only the hearts of anarchists, but also the hearts of everyone on the street.“
For this reason we threw stones and paint bottles at the Belarusian embassy near Treptower Park during the night of August 27. We crossed their disgusting emblem at the gate with an A in a circle.
For a upheaval of the circumstances – until anarchy!
Fear turned into rage, rage into victory!
To all our comrades in revolt, courage, hold on!
Translation from http://zf2r4nfwx66apco4.onion/