Belgrade, Serbia: #Fight4Afrin – From Belgrade to Afrin NO PASARAN! [video]


Antifascist solidarity with Afrin and Rojava
19. march Belgrade

Svugde je Afrin, svuda je otpor.

In the recent days there have been several solidarity actions in Belgrade supporting the struggle for freedom and autonomy in Afrin, part of the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria (Rojava).

Posters and writings on the walls appeared in several focal points of the city, such as the turkish cultural center, the area of the Turkish embassy, universities etc. to denounce the unspoken profit that the Balkan weapon industry is making out of the recent conflict in Rojava and the political subjugation of the Vučić-government to the AKP.

In addition, this monday a banner was hanged from a building in Trg Republike (the main square of Belgrade) saying “Stop the invasion in Afrin! Lets defend self-organization against states and capital!!”

These actions are meant to support the resistance of people of Rojava, to stand for their social revolution that represents a threat to the expansionist fascism of AKP.

The silent complicity of EU and UN in the invasion is also mentioned as it is well known how several powers are benefiting not only financially but also politically from the attack on Afrin. In Belgrade as all over the world solidarity is shown to unveil the dirty side of an imperialist war against the people in Rojava perpetrated by this coalition of forces.

These acts of dissent anticipate the official international day of action for Afrin, called by the comrades of Rojava for the 24th of March.
