Wildfire: An Anarchist Prison Newsletter #5



[Download Issue #5] (Prints 8.5×11)

Summer is almost over but things are burning up in the prisons and in the streets. All around the United States, prisoners and comrades in the “free world” are gearing up for the beginning of coordinated anti-prison actions on September 9th, 2016. In just a few weeks, the Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners begins, marking with fire the state murder of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti on August 23. 1927, turning memory into active revolt for all anarchist combatants locked behind bars today.

In this issue of Wildfire, comrades continue the debate on reformist action that has been raging since issue 1, bring to light the presence of queer and transgender prisoners in ongoing prison rebellions, comment on recent retaliation against police, critically discuss prisoner apathy and revolt, and give a glimpse of possibilities for September 9th.

We hope that the coming months will be ones we, and our enemies, will never forget.

–“Time…is Never Worth My Time” by Boots
–“Assuming the Risk of Demanding Real Social Change Requires Imagination and Daring” by Lacino Hamilton
–“Free Trans Political Prisoners” by Jennifer Gann
–“Oppression of Religion Inside” by Thomas Derring
–“Wake Up and Smell the Coffee” by Todd Shepard
–“We Hear You” by Provisionals
–“No Correction, Only Coercion” by Woody
–“The Untold Story” by Michael Kimble
–“A Message to a Message” by Anarcho-Faheem
–“Identity Crisis: Who Am I?” by Blacc Lion
–A letter from Luke O’Donovan
–“Violence is Not the Answer” by Sean Swain
–“Birth of the Free Virginia Movement” by the Free Virginia Movement Collective
–“The Parable of the Boiled Frog: The Virginia DOC’s Protracted, Low-Intensity War Against a Complacent Prisoner-Class” by Uhuru B. Rowe
–Another installment of Buckin in the BOP by anonymous
–A chronology of the past few months of anarchist action and prison rebellion

[If you would like a PDF with a slightly more ‘prison-friendly’ cover, please write to us.]

(via Wildfire)