13.06.18: According to Italian media, Marco was arrested in Toulouse on the 9th of June. Marco is accused of the events that occured on May 1st, 2015 in Milan, including ‘devastazione et saccheggio’ (literally ‘devastation and looting’, an accusation with a range of punishment that goes from 8 to 15 years) as well as resistance, because he is accused of being among the demonstrators who beat up an assistant divisional commissioner. He was put under investigation on November 9th, 2015, then became the subject of a European arrest warrant on July 12th, 2016. The DIGOS (General Investigations and Special Operations Division) in Milan would have found him through phone tapping and then contacted the French police, who arrested him. His extradition to Italy should be decided in the coming days.
(via Attaque, translated into English by Nae Clone for Mpalothia)