Stuttgart, Germany: Resistance Is Not A Crime, Fight G20!


On April 15th, an activist who protested against the G20 policies in the Welcome To Hell demonstration received a probationary sentence.
Around 20 activists from Stuttgart chose this occasion for a protest in solidarity with all those affected by the repression.

The comrade was given three year’s probation because, like many other activists, she demonstrated against the policies of the G20 states. Policies that cause war, poverty and environmental destruction worldwide. We say: protest against these policies is legitimate and necessary.

With a solidarity banner and spray painted solidarity slogans, we wanted to make it clear that it is up to us to respond to repression. The verdict is not ‘just’ a probation sentence, but a verdict of class justice. A justice that faces many other activists and has already put numerous activists behind prison walls.

With our protest, we want to make it clear that repression can strike any one of us.
It is up to us to counter it and build solidarity.
We send solidarity greetings to all those who are affected by repression!

Resistance is not a crime. Fight G20!

(via Deutschland Indymedia, translated into English for Mpalothia by Anarchists Worldwide)