We share with enthusiasm the third issue of the publication. As in previous issues, there are texts by Wolfi Landstreicher mostly translated from the book Willful Disobedience, a text by Renzo Novatore, another one by Sidney E. Parker, among others.
As the beautiful words recently shared by comrade GR say: We are not doing this for a better world or a bright future society, in the name of a class, a cause or in the hope of an ever more unattainable Social Revolution ; nor are we doing this for a price to be paid or a burden to be thrown off. We are doing it for the pleasure we get from giving free rein to all our passions, for the pleasure of living intensely, facing death every day in the life imposed on us by the system of domination, for the satisfaction of being anarchists right to the extreme consequences, for the delight of inciting efforts to destroy anarchist seditions.
Situations of the past that remain in the mind, events that will remain forever. Successes, mistakes or some fatal errors. The memory of the comrades who are no more and feelings for those who are locked up will never fade.
Let’s make memory and feelings actual destruction!
A subversive path…
For those of you who don’t know or remember, Mauricio Morales died a morning in May while he was preparing to set and activate an explosive device at a Gendarmerie Training Centre, a temporary configuration to start a retreat in studied blind spots and places that protected his anarchist activity in secret. But stories of insurrection are not always written as we hope, between luck and unexpected tension, so the direct explosion against that miserable institution was not accompanied with the joy of carrying out an attack, this time it was shrapnel, deep sighs, pain and resistance that would come later.
It was cold May 22nd 2009 when Punky Mauri attacked for the last time. Today we remember our comrade in the fullness of the conflict and with the dynamism with which he had decided to face the enemy. Squats, libraries, neighbourhood communications, forums, readings, organization and clashes. The ideas and actions of the comrade who, far from putting a brake on the anarchist offensive, contributed to the attacks of all the wills that in various parts of the world responded to a warrior’s death, transforming combative memory into a dangerous and transgressive weapon, realizing that a thousand hours’ theory equal one minute of action.
The exercise of remembering wasn’t and never will be a dead word, remembering our dead means putting the engagement in the war of the past and the present in act.
We recognize ourselves and find ourselves remembering our comrade in the streets of this neighbourhood because it is here that he developed his political life most actively. We remember him not by looking at a far-away impenetrable past but by looking at him from a present that requires activity and engagement, because domination is advancing and continuing to spread misery in the territories and the people who inhabit this world.
The map of anarchist conflict is traced against the current and the uncertainty of our struggle is not a simple light question. The individual and collective results of the actions carried out become signs that remain between attempts and mistakes, experiences in the path that must transform themselves into learning.
The paths that we anarchists cover do not just respond to the games of power but are also formed by the many initiatives born from the depths of anarchist practice that crystallize in our theories/practices and in the way in which we work among equals, always on the margins of authority and of its dominant behaviours.
It is clear to us that if we don’t organize ourselves, if we are not prepared to overcome differences and work collectively with firm and critical projects and perspectives, capitalism and its evils will continue to progress.
Going through the times and spaces of power we are the negation of the dominion that they have created.
Revolt makes us impatient and only with nights of joyous subversion can we break the repeated misery of its world of order and authority.
Translated from Italian by act for freedom now!