So-called Australia: Statement from Sail 4 Justice Manus Freedom Flotilla



We want to say to all the men, women and children on Manus and Nauru as well as all those imprisoned in onshore detention that we are really sorry about the election results and what that means for all of you! While both major political parties are, in our eyes, completely illegal on stolen and occupied territories, and are both complicit in deadly border regime policies – we still recognise the different severity of their racist political agendas, the real life consequences that affect you all and the hopelessness and trauma that this causes.

We are sad and we are angry that the big corporate media and the right wing continue to instill fear in people, because this is what the election results are – a response born out of fear and insecurity, not out of hope and solidarity.

We want to act out of hope and solidarity, across fake borders and manufactured divisions, because we have a vision in which the First Nation Peoples of this continent, the PNG and the Pacific, as well as all those seeking safety and asylum and everyone who fights for the right of the ecosystem of this planet – can create a better future, one in which we care for each other and for the environment that supports our existence.

Now, we are even more determined than before, that we have to take politics into our own hands and build resistance from the bottom up. That’s why we are sailing to Manus Island to deliver Original Nations Passports, various gifts from Uncle Kevin and others and to extend our solidarity and share struggles with all of you there!

(via Sail 4 Justice Manus Freedom Flotilla)