Portugal – Spain: Transfer of Gabriel Pombo Da Silva (May 13th, 2020)


Received 18/05/2020 via insuscettibilediravvedimento.noblogs.org

Portugal – Spain: Transfer of Gabriel Pombo Da Silva (May 13th, 2020)

Our comrade was handed over to the Spanish State this morning (May 13th, 2020) and is currently in the prison in Badajoz (Extremadura region). He is well and strong as ever. Surely he will have to stay 14 days in compulsory quarantine and then, we think, be transferred to another prison. So more information will follow.

Although there is no guarantee that the post office will work regularly, it is obvious that a virus will not be responsible for the fact that he may not receive letters from his loved ones and comrades in solidarity. It would be better to send registered letters (also considering some recent problems in the prison of the Oporto Judicial Police where only by documenting the registered mail Gabriel was able to receive the correspondence).

This is the current address:

Gabriel Pombo Da Silva
Carretera de Olivenza, km 7.3
06001 Badajoz — España

Freedom for Gabriel!
Freedom for everyone!
Long live anarchy!

We also report the bank account opened in support of the comrade:

Accountholder: Elisa Di Bernardo
Bank: Bankinter
Iban: ES06-0128-0180-3601-0009-8696
Bic/Swift code: BKBKESMMXXX

Below is a link where you can listen to a recording of the comrade Elisa about Gabriel’s situation: https://www.ivoox.com/monografico-pombo-da-silva-n-xxiv-segunda-epoca-audios-mp3_rf_50693190_1.html.