Oaxaca, Mexico: Explosive-Incendiary Attack Against a Luxury Car Dealership In Memory of Punky Mauri by FAI-FRI


Received and translated by Insurrection News on 23.05.17:

Oaxaca Ungovernable: 8 years after the fall of Punky Mauri the offensive continues. Detonation of explosive-incendiary devices in a luxury car dealership.

Our dead are a fertilizer and a black seed of confrontation, nourishing the actuality of the revolt and remaining valid in every gesture that confronts authority. To spread and propagate the strength of their struggles and ideas is essential to nourish our present, to never forget and to promote a praxis of permanent insurrection.

Domination, as an ideology and praxis of power devastates life in all its spheres. The misery of daily life does not leave us indifferent. Although resignation is the departure of many and passivity is their safest refuge; every act of denial, of hostility, of disobedience to the imposed reality demonstrates to us that some people are still alive.

Our daily activity, our way of relating to each other, our passions and our reasoning emanate from each of us, from our indiviuality. Although we are committed to the construction of shared pleasures and we are desiring of other beings, the responsibility of our actions belongs to each individual.

Collectively or individually we will continue to attack. We choose to subvert the normality of a dismal society that is responsible for its progressive self-destruction. Faced with the apathy, the silence of the masses, and the social movements that betray and negotiate the blood of the dead. Faced with the destruction and looting of the territories and the condemnation to a non-living reality: street fighting, fire and transgression of the social peace.

On the morning of May 22, 2017, 8 years since the fall of Punky Mauri, we placed some explosive-incendiary devices in a luxury car dealership, effectively rendering useless several vehicles.

This is our battle cry to send strength to the compxs in clandestinity and the prisoners of the social war, and also to remember all those who have fallen.

We will continue to confront this reality by all possible means, using violence when we feel it is necessary and not leaving it solely in the hands of the State and its machinery of repression.

!Mauricio Morales presente!

A combative embrace for our companerx Fernando Bárcenas Castillo!

Fire to the prisons!

Long live anarchy!

Informal Anarchic Individualities

via insurrectionnewsworldwide.com