No Border Kitchen Lesvos: Police repression and a lot of work to do for the NBK Social center 2.0



These days are busy days for us. We are still working on cleaning the old beach and at the same time building the new social center and the new squat for housing. Also in these days cops started to bother us more and more.

During the last weeks they controlled us and the car several times before or after food distribution, thus delaying it and annoying us without any reason or further purpose. Also they have visited our rented space in the center three times now, two times taking all persons that were in the place to the police station. As if his wasn’t enough, they also came by two of the new squats and announced their eviction.

The first day in the new building of the social center they came while children were playing during the lunchtime. Without any eviction paper they entered the building to force everybody who didn’t look european enough to come with them. Two European women questioned the legitimation of their behavior and ended up in getting beaten by one plainclothesman who refused to identify himself afterwards. Luckily everybody got out of the police station and Camp Moria quite fast and despite the repression our work goes on.

For now we still are in all of the spaces, not simply giving in to their threats. We are still continuing to build and run them and we don’t plan to leave them after simple threats without any legal groundings. Still we are cooking several hundred portions of food every day. And still we fight for sustaining the autonomous spaces for all refugees, migrants, travelers and visitors that need them.

Also still we need support and people to join us for winter!

Welcome to “The Villa” and the NBK Social center 2.0

The ten days ultimatum are over, the only things left at the beach where used to be a beautiful Social Center are a lot of empty food cups, a few tents still to be packed and a handful of diligent NBK people.

But no worries! We didn’t waste the time we had until the eviction. Quite on the opposite: all of us were busy scouting, cleaning, building and finally preparing new houses. Weare happy to announce that we squatted more than one new space for using!

On the one hand we have prepared new spaces where we will rebuild our Social center in the next days. On the other hand we also found a new place for living for some people.

Moving the whole social center and preparing an old house for living inside sounds like a lot of work? Yes it is! And we want to share it. So we invite all activists, squatters, travelers, builders, painters, artists, inventors, punks, vagabonds and nomads to come and join us!

If you can’t come you could help us get the material that we need by donating, making a benefit, busking… Have a look on our blog for more infos where to send money etc.

Stay tuned for updates and help us squat the world! They can’t evict our solidarity!
