On the 11th of November, and anticapitalist/antifascist march took to the streets against Donald Trump.Also present were many Black Lives Matter activists. The climax of the march was a moving, marching occupation of the I-395 tunnel near 3ed st. Immediately prior to that the march blocked NY Ave to mark 2 months since DC police shot Terrence Sterling off his motorcycle. At NY Ave, chants included “Terrence Sterling-say his name” and even “MDP is KKK.”
This was the march that began at Mt Vernon Square, then went to Trump Hotel to pick up more marchers. Like many anti-Trump marches it grew in size as it passed through neighborhoods. One person observed that this was “the first good Black Bloc” since the early days of Occupy. In many ways it resembled the anti-IMF marches of the 2006-2009 era. The degree of mutual aid and solidarity between marchers at difficult spots seemed to be unprecedented. There was a lot of wall-hopping to get back off the freeway, and here it was really needed by many. The whole group held together and everyone got back out of the tunnels safely.
Barricades were set to delay police, but both setting these up and the escape route used from the tunnels are not for video due to security considerations…
via dcdirectactionnews.wordpress.com
Video showing march in Chinatown, NY Ave blockade, and freeway march
Just before taking the freeway the march blocked NY Ave close to where Terrence Sterling was killed on Sep 11.
The march in Chinatown