May Day 2017 – We are poor because they are rich… and it’s right to revolt!


May 1st is a day of solidarity with other exploited people across the world and within our communities. This is a call to reclaim and rebuild the history and struggle against oppression with an anti-capitalist gathering, celebration and resistance.

This year we will commemorate those who fought with their lives for an 8 hour workday in Chicago over 100 years ago, and the innocent anarchists who lost their lives at the hand of the law. On May 1st 2017 we will stand against capitalism, colonialism, borders and the state; we will stand for freedom, community and self-determination as we continue the struggles of workers started so many years ago.

Capitalism continues to steal land, life, culture and language from in the name of profit. The empire it has built on stolen land keeps workers under the boot of the bosses, the unemployed under the boot of the state, as our labour increases their profit margins and we merely survive and dream of the lives we can live in our worn-out bodies come retirement.

On May 1st, 2017 we will gather as anti-capitalists against the systems of oppression that commodify our basic needs and force us to work for our daily bread. The food from the fields and trees and the houses on the streets have all been packaged into marketable products and fenced off from all who cannot pay the price. We are forced into work to feed, clothe and shelter ourselves, our families and loved ones. We are left to beg, steal, squat, and be put in a cage if our survival offends.

But our lives belong to us! Let’s live them in dignity! From popular education to direct action, all tactics are good for reclaiming our freedom from the powerful! It’s time to turn our demands and mobilisations up a few notches!

As long as there are workers that can be exploited for less, here or abroad, wages will be pushed down. As long as our struggles do not include all those suffering under capitalism, the governments will keep cutting down other oppressed folks to give crumbs to the rest, while keeping the biggest part of the cake for itself. This is why class war requires an understanding of how our interests oppose those that are getting richer every year because of the increasing gap between rich and poor, whether locally or internationally. Let’s celebrate a May Day of real solidarities! Let’s not become divided! Lets attack together those who benefit from these conflicts, and overthrow capitalism while we still have time!

We invite all who face oppression to stand up wherever you are; workers, students, carers, unemployed, and undocumented. Through self-determination and mutual aid, we can make our dreams a possibility!

For a world without bosses.
For life without exploitation.

Let’s smash capitalism!
