Make Rojava Green Again! Support the Ecological Revolution in Rojava! [video]


Almost 7 years have passed since the war erupted in Syria.
Daesh and the Caliphate of Terror is almost defeated, but the war is not over.

Turkey is attacking Afrin, killing people and destroying the land.

But it won’t stop us, we will continue our works and we will MAKE ROJAVA GREEN AGAIN.

Since the beginning of the Revolution people from all around the world have come to Rojava.

Here we found brave people fighting for freedom.
Here we found strong women challenging patriarchy.
Here we found spirited youth building a future.
Here we found a democratic society advancing towards autonomy.
Here we founded the Internationalist Commune of Rojava.

But we also found the land devastated from the war and the big ecological problems Rojava is facing.
Like other capitalist countries the Syrian State was destroying life and nature.
Wheat monoculture, oil extraction, no care for waste…

The Turkish State is also a big threat, and not only for the military attacks.
They are drying rivers with dams, destroying forests with walls.

But the people of Rojava are working to defend the nature and build social ecology.
And we, as the Internationalist Commune of Rojava want to be part of it.
With the Internationalist Academy we are also starting a Tree Cooperative.
The Trees will help to reforest Hayaka, a self-managed natural reserve.

With this campaign we want to raise awareness about the need of ecology in Rojava because the land must be defended or there will not be place for the revolution.

And thats why we will MAKE ROJAVA GREEN AGAIN.
And thats why we will DEFEND AFRIN.


We, the Internationalist Commune of Rojava, want to contribute to the ecological revolution in Northern Syria. To this end, we have started the campaign Make Rojava Green Again, in cooperation with the Ecology Committee of the Cizire Canton.

If you want to know more about our campaign, check our site on

(via Internationalist Commune of Rojava)
