London, UK: Tranarchism on Trial – Free The She-Wolf!


The British state stepped up its campaign against a trans anti-fascist squatter last week, charging her with battery, in connection to an alleged bust-up at a political gathering last year. Following the alleged incident she was tracked down, arrested by snatch-squad and subjected to two rounds of questioning.

A plea hearing will take place on 15th February, 10am, Westminster Magistrates Court.

The entire investigation against this comrade, and another two individuals who have evaded capture despite sustained efforts from pigs and journalists, has been called-for and abetted by TERFs (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists), against whom the crimes for which she is under investigation were allegedly comitted.

What’s more, TERFs have called another hate-fest on the day of the hearing, reinforcing their campaign of harassment, and demonstrating the carceral and statist basis of their gender-policing ideology.

In early January, a crowd of around 15 despicable types braved the cold outside a pig shop in support of our comrade while she underwent questioning. With slogans, banners and songs, we announced our disgust for TERFs, cops, and all the other custodians of the gendered prison against which we plot our lives of fugitivity and destruction. Just as our comrade gave no comment, we reaffirmed that we have nothing to say to the state either in pursuit of ‘justice’, or of ‘gender recognition’ from their bureaucratic machinery.

A callout was disseminated to the squat/autonomous scene at the time, accompanying a special issue of SLAP (Squatters of London Action Paper). To those anti authoritarians who have so far responded with silence and inaction, we invite you to reconsider in the light of the severity of the charges faced, and the prospect of an emboldened TERF presence at the hearing.

On the 15th February, and at any trial that may follow, as trans anarchists and their friends support each other in the face of state violence and transphobia, it is vital that others step up to lighten the burden and lessen the isolation.

Let us find each other again, or for the first time – on the streets, in the courtrooms, wherever – plotting, learning collective care, finding housing and healthcare outside of the deadly embrace of capitalism, the state and the individual.

From trans-exclusionary feminism, to the gender-neutral prison, let’s fight ‘identity’ and domestication, in all their forms,

See you on the 15th,

Some Angry Tranarchists

