Italy: Updates regarding the “Renata” operation


Received 11/05/2019

On 7 May, in Trento, a “precautionary appeal” hearing was held (a kind of appeal by the Review) for the comrades arrested on 19 February [2019]. Apart for Stecco, who remains detained for another definitive sentence, the comrades in prison are now under house arrest (with all the restrictions). Sasha, who was already under house arrest, has an obligation to stay in Rovereto and return home between 9.00 pm and 7.00 am. Mobilization in view of the trial continues. And the solidarity for the comrades still in prison, especially for the companions at L’Aquila, to whom all our support must go. A special thought also to the companions of the operation “Scripta manent” hit by heavy sentences, solidarity and strength!

comrades of Trentino