Italy: Updates on anarchist comrade Pierloreto Fallanca (Paska)

fire isolated over black background
fire isolated over black background

From a letter dated 1st October received from the prison in Lecce, we learned of Paska’s intention to begin a hunger strike next day, and to stage several protests against his prison conditions throughout the month of October, until he’s moved to another unit or prison.

He was arrested on 3rd August and held in the prison of Lecce. Initially Paska was kept in solitary confinement, then he was transferred to the ‘arrivals’ unit where he is still being held. In the ‘arrivals’ unit, unlike the others, the (single) cells remain locked all day: the only times of sociality are 2 hours in the exercise yard in the morning and in the afternoon and in the recreation hall. Requests for special visits have always been rejected on the pretext of formalities. As concerns telephone calls the procedure continues to be troubled, whereas censorship of letters was revoked recently.

The prison direction has so far responded to protests and complaints with a good many disciplinary reports and indictments.

In spite of everything the comrade’s spirits are high. He tells us that he could hear our shouting during the recent demos and also that of other prisoners, who in the corridors of the nearby unit ‘sent’ him greetings and encouragement from beyond the walls. Naturally this fills us with joy and gives us more strength to support his protest and extend solidarity to all prisoners.

Free Paska, freedom for all!

Translated by Act For Freedom Now!
