Italy: Special surveillance for four anarchists


Received 30/01/2020

Italy: Special surveillance for four anarchists (08/01/2020)

On January 8, 2020, the Court of Genoa applied the measure of “special surveillance” to four of the 14 anarchists who demonstrated in La Spezia on January 5, 2019, in solidarity with Paska, after the beating inflicted on him by the guards in the prison of this city (Paska is an anarchist imprisoned for the “Panico” repressive operation). The “supervised” are Amma, Ciccio (from Florence), Greg and Carlo. They will be forbidden to attend prejudiced and affected by prevention or security measures, demonstrations and meetings, prohibition to carry weapons and payment of court costs.

For Amma, Ciccio and Carlo the measure also includes the obligation to stay in the province (not in the city) of residence and the obligation to communicate their movements to the cops. Since Amma is currently under house arrest, the measure will begin for him once his detention is over.

There is the possibility to appeal in cassazione within 10 days and indicatively the court will reply within 30 days. This appeal is not suspensive. Updates will follow.