Italy: Regarding the latest arrests in Turin and Milan


Received 24/09/2019

Italy: Regarding the latest arrests in Turin and Milan

On Friday, September 20, 2019, the notorious executioners of the Turin police headquarters went back to work directing their puppets in various cities to carry out three arrests, order 11 proibitions of abode and overturn several houses.

The charges are specific to this damn system. Having expressed anger and dissent over the arrests of comrades in Turin and against the eviction of Asilo Occupato [operation “Scintilla”, February 7, 2019] translates into the allegations of resistance, injury and damage [for the demonstration on February 9, in Turin].

The three comrades arrested are currently in the “Le Vallette” prison, where solidarity has already been heard with a roaring greeting.

The addresses to make us feel again are:

Ammanuel Francesco Rezzonico
Federico Daneluzzo
Patrick Bernardone
C. C. “Lorusso e Cotugno”
via Adelaide Aglietta 35
10149 Torino
Italia [Italy]

Updates will follow and in the meantime… that abound

Some comrades