Received 22/12/2019
Italy: Operazione “Prometeo” – Natascia’s correspondence is no longer subject to censorship (December 2019)
Finally, after seven months, Nat’s correspondence is no longer subject to censorship. Nothing to celebrate, of course, but in any case is a glimmer of light between those damned walls that separate us from our comrade.
We remember the addresses to write to Nat and Beppe, anarchists arrested on May 21st, 2019 for the operation “Prometeo” (a third anarchist, Robert, has been released):
Natascia Savio
C. C. di Piacenza
strada delle Novate 65
29122 Piacenza
Italia – Italy
Giuseppe Bruna
C. C. di Pavia
via Vigentina 85
27100 Pavia
Italia – Italy
These are the coordinates of the bank accounts to use to support and to contribute to their procedural expenses:
– Postepay evolution
Accountholder: Vanessa Ferrara.
N° 5333 1710 9103 5440
Iban: IT89U3608105138251086351095
– Postepay evolution
Accountholder: Ilaria Benedetta Pasini.
N° 5333 1710 8931 9699
Iban: IT43K3608105138213368613377