Italy: Letter from Beppe on the strike about the transfer to another prison and health care


Received 02/01/2021 by

Letter from Beppe on the strike about the transfer to another prison and health care (December 3rd, 2020)

Prison of Pavia, December 3rd, 2020

Dear comrades,

I am writing to inform you that as of December 2nd, 2020 I have started a strike (the umpteenth after several hunger strikes during this year in this prison!) of the air and the common rooms (the only four hours available to get out of the cells in 20 hours).

With this strike I ask for treatment for my illnesses which have been amply documented for about a year by my lawyer Fabio Sommovigo! The reports and complaints submitted by my lawyer have not been enough!

To date, I have been completely ignored, which means condemning me to death, since the diseases from which I suffer, if left untreated, can only worsen!

In addition to all this, I am isolated in cells for an indefinite period of time since I am locked up in a «protected» section and I cannot share a cell with such detainees because I am a «high security» detainee, having the art. 280 [attack for terrorist or subversive purposes] with all the aggravating circumstances!

An isolation within isolation, in total abandonment. In addition to the physical and psychological torture, there is the enormous difficulty to interact with the vast majority of prisoners (rapists, paedophiles, former cops including Montella, the head of the pack at the Piacenza barracks [a barracks seized and seven carabinieri arrested in July for torture, beatings, drug dealing and extortion], pimps, feminicides…).

I have been asking for a transfer for a long time, but like healthcare treatment it’s denied!

My forced stay here is a serious danger for my psycho-physical integrity. Aware of the risks it poses to my already compromised health, I may soon start a hunger strike.

I ask you to spread this letter of mine as much as possible on behalf of every detainee left to die in state prisons.

With a closed fist.

Beppe Bruna

[Text originally published in Italian on website, translated into English by Some of the translator’s clarifications are indicated in square brackets].


Beppe was arrested on May 21st, 2019 for the «Prometeo» repressive operation, carried out by the ROS (Raggruppamento Operativo Speciale, «Special Operations Grouping») of carabinieri. Natascia and another anarchist, later released from prison in December of the same year, were also arrested in the same operation. The comrades are accused of «attack for terrorist or subversive purposes», since they are held responsible for sending three parcel bombs in June 2017 to prosecutors Rinaudo, public prosecutor in several trials against the antagonist movement and anarchists, and Sparagna, public prosecutor in the trial for the Scripta Manent operation, and to Santi Consolo, at the time director of the DAP, the Department of Penitentiary Administration, in Rome.

On December 17th, 2019 another pre-trial detention came to Beppe, also executed by the ROS. He is accused of placing an incendiary device against a postamat at a post office (Genoa, June 8, 2016). In that period, the post office service was repeatedly attacked because of its collaboration in the expulsion and deportation of migrants through the airline Mistral Air (at that time controlled by Poste italiane).

Below are Beppe and Natascia’s addresses:

Giuseppe Bruna
C. C. di Pavia
via Vigentina 85
27100 Pavia
Italy — Italia

Natascia Savio
C. C. di Piacenza “San Lazzaro”
strada delle Novate 65
29122 Piacenza
Italy — Italia