On November 16th, at 10 am, in front of the high security court in Turin, will be held the first hearing of the trial Scripta Manent, and it will be a long-running case, in which 22 anarchist comrades are charged, and seven of them are still in prison.
The repressive State apparatus accuses a part of the anarchist movement of attacking it with the practices of: destructive direct action against its structures and its men, realization and distribution of anarchist publications, and support for revolutionary prisoners.
The theorem of prosecutor Sparagna is that the positions of accused comrades are isolated and distant from the anarchist context.
It is a blatant attempt to factionalise and confine the anarchism to certain fenced enclosures, legal and interpretative.
We demolish the attempt to isolate these comrades and we affirm that the practices and positions they are accused of, constitute a patrimony of all anarchists and revolutionaries, and we reaffirm our closeness and our solidarity with the defendants.
We make a call to take part in the gathering on Thursday, November 16th, at 10 am, in front of the high security court of “Le Vallette” Turin prison, and we relaunch the call for international solidarity with all anarchist, rebel and revolutionary prisoners; in any place and in accordance with the modalities that each person considers more appropriate.