29.04.16: This afternoon the prisoners Fabio Dushku and Tony Nebiu lit a fire in the solitary confinement area to protest their incarceration and also taunts they had received for 10 days regarding their supposed transfers. Those responsible are the court attorney V. Labrakis who admitted that Fabio was being held in solitary confinement unlawfully but told him “you’re fine here, what are you protesting for?” and warden V. Labrakis who constantly pledged that the unlawful isolation would cease but the days kept passing by…
As soon as the fire was lit, the political prisoners who are being held in the underground annex came out of their cells and set fire to their mattresses in the courtyard as a sign of solidarity.
The smoke from the fires soon reached the second floor where the women prisoners are being held, they also left their cells and came out into the courtyard.
In the men’s prison of Korydallos, A wing and D wing prisoners mobilized and stayed out of their cells.
Cops arrived at the prison and it was decided that the transfer of the prisoners would take place – Fabio to Trikala prison and Tony to Grevena prison.
The cops made a committment that no violence would be committed against the two prisoners.
At 10:30PM they were transferred and at the same time the political prisoners in the basement annex and the prisoners in A and D wing returned to their cells.
via insurrectionnewsworldwide.com
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