On Tuesday July 26, at the special court room in the women’s section of Korydallos prison the final session was held for the trial regarding the ‘Phoenix Project’ attacks in Greece. The trial began in June 2014 and went for over two years.
The defendants were the comrades Spyros Mandylas (who has denied the charges but has defended revolutionary anarchist violence), Andreas Tsavaridis (who from the beginning claimed full responsibility for sending a parcel bomb to a former anti-terrorism unit commander in 2013) and 10 comrades from the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, who were all in prison when the attacks took place.
Present in the court room were comrades in solidarity to support the co-defendants.
Specifically, the comrades were accused of:
1) Andreas Tsavaridis
I) Membership of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire
II) Attempted murder of the former commander of the anti-terrorist agency, Dimitris Chorianopoulou via a parcel bomb.
III) Attempted bombing (via parcel bomb)
IV) Possession of explosives (for the parcel bomb)
2) Spyros Mandylas
I) Membership of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire
II) Attempted murder of the former commander of the anti-terrorist agency, Dimitris Chorianopoulou via a parcel bomb.
III) Attempted bombing (via parcel bomb)
IV) Possession of explosives (for the parcel bomb)
3) Conspiracy of Cells of Fire
I) Incitement to murder in the attack against the former commander of the anti-terrorist agency, Dimitris Chorianopoulou via a parcel bomb.
II) Incitement for attempted bombing (for the same parcel bomb)
III) Abetting possession of explosives (for the same parcel bomb)
IV) Incitement to carry out a bombing (for the bombing of the car belonging to Maria Stefie, director of Korydallos prison in June 2013).
V) Abetting the possession of explosives (for the same bombing)
VI) Incitement to carry out a bombing (for the bombing of a car belonging to prison guard Argyris Gkelmpoura in June 2013).
VII) Abetting the possession of explosives (for the same bombing)
VIII) Supporting the attacks mentioned above.
Finally, the sentences were as follows:
* Andreas Tsavdaridis: found ‘guilty’ on four counts and sentence to 32 years, 21 of which must be served in prison.
* Spyros Mandylas: found ‘not guilty’ of all charges, however the police refused to return the two computers that were seized during the raid on Nadir squat.
* Conspiracy of Cells of Fire: all the CCF comrades were found ‘guilty’ and sentenced to a total of 74 years, 21 of which must be served in prison.
We refuse to let the forces of repression have the last word in this story, so we have decided to share a summary of the 18 actions since 2013 that have taken place as part of ‘Phoenix Project’:
1) Athens, Greece: June 7, 2013. Explosive attack against the personal car of the director of Korydallos prison, claimed by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI/FRI and ‘Sole Baleno’ Cell, Gangs of Consciousness – FAI/IRF.
2) Athens, Greece: June 12, 2013. Explosive attack against a car belonging to a prison guard from Nafplio prison claimed by ‘International Conspiracy for Revenge’.
3) Jakarta, Indonesia: June 26, 2013. Incendiary attack that destroyed the 3rd floor of the Sheraton Hotel, claimed by ‘Unity of Wrath – International Conspiracy for Revenge’
4) Thessaloniki, Greece: July 3, 2013. Delivery of a parcel bomb to the former commander of the anti-terrorist unit, claimed by Commando Mauricio Morales, Informal Anarchist Federation / International Revolutionary Front. The comrades Spryos Mandylas and Andreas Tsavadiris were arrested for this action, Andreas claimed full responsibility.
5) Balikpapan, Indonesia: August 24, 2013. Arson attack against a school for policeclaimed by ‘Freedom for Mandylas and Tsavaridis’ Cell, International Conspiracy for Revenge – FAI/IRF.
6) Athens, Greece: September 1, 2013. Parcel bomb sent to special appellate judge Dimitris Mokka, claimed by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – ‘Ryo Cell’.
7) Bryansk, Russia: October 2, 2013. Arson attack against a sawmill on the grounds of a hunting resort claimed by ELF-FRI, ‘Commando Nestor Makhno’.
8) Santiago, Chile: November 16, 2013. Incendiary / explosive attack against the 98th district Electoral Board in the neighborhood of La Reina claimed by ‘Long Live Ilya Romanov Cell, in Affinity with the Black International’.
9) Toluca, Mexico: November 18, 2013. Explosive devices placed in a church and a bank in the district of San Sebastian. December 21, 2013: Explosive / Incendiary device left on a bench near the airport. Attacks claimed by ‘Anti-Civilization Faction, Earth Liberation Front’, Informal Anarchist Federation (FA-ELF/FAI).
10) Malang, Indonesia: January 9, 2014. Explosive attack against an ATM, claimed by ‘Sebastián Oversluij Seguel Cell’, International Conspiracy for Revenge, Informal Anarchist Federation.
11) Berlin, Germany: April 8, 2014. Incendiary attack against municipal and corporate security vehicles. April 24, 2014: Incendiary attack against a Greek diplomatic vehicle. Attacks claimed by ‘Autonomous Cell Christos Kassimis’.
12) Indonesia, April 16, 2014. Arson attacks against two electoral committee offices in Sulawesi. April 19, 2014: Arson attack against a branch of the national electricity company in Madiun, East Java. April 23, 2014: Incendiary attack against the National Electricity Company in Semarang, Central Java. April 28, 2014: Sabotage of two cars that were scheduled to transport electoral ballots in the southeastern region of Minahasa, Manado, the provincial capital. May 5-8, 2014: Attacks on three different power plants. Actionsclaimed by the ‘International Conspiracy for Revenge (CIV), Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI), International Revolutionary Front (FRI)’.
13) Italy, May 7, 2014. Incendiary device placed at a petrol station and fuel supply hoses sabotaged. Action claimed by ‘Conspiracy of Black Fire – FAI/IRF’.
14) Bristol, UK, June 10, 2014. Incendiary attacks against cell phone infrastructure, 7 cell phone antennas destroyed by fire. Actions claimed by ‘Live Wires FAI/ELF’.
15) Olomouc, Czech Republic, March 26, 2015. Arson attack against police patrol car,claimed by ‘Fire Poetry Cell FAI/FRI’.
16) Santiago, Chile, April 7, 2015. Incendiary attack against animal exploitation company Ganadera Rio Bueno claimed by ‘Anarchist Arson Attack Cell Fire and Consciousness – Informal Anarchist Federation / International Revolutionary Front (FAI/FRI).’
17) Santiago, Chile, January, 2016. Incendiary attack against a private security company office. Action claimed by ‘Anarchist Arson Attack Cell Fire and Consciousness – Informal Anarchist Federation / International Revolutionary Front (FAI/FRI).’
18) Bristol, UK, June 28, 2016. Incendiary attack against a police vehicle depot claimed by ‘Rain Cell FAI-FRI’.
For more information about Phoenix Project, check out the following video…
(Report by Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras compiled from information on Mpalothia website, translated into English by Insurrection News)