A text from Korydallos prison, about M. Seisidis and K. Sakkas.
On the hearing of the arrest of the two fighters K. Sakkas and M. Seisidis, one cannot help but feel grief. Grief for the fact that two anarchist fighters get caught by the persecutive authorities, something that deprives them of whatever freedom they enjoyed as fugitives. A grief that anyone of us who has experienced that moment of its violent deprivation, does feel.
Marios Seisidis, targeted and accused for the proven set-up by the state, of the “robbers in black” case, has chosen for ten years now the path of absconding, refusing to give up and hand his freedom in to his persecutors as a pledge.
Kostas Sakkas, after being accused as a member of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, without any proof, he was imprisoned and later freed after a hunger strike, with restrictive terms which he violated, chosing to live as he defines and not according to the limitations imposed.
The revengful way they were treated by the cops, fills us with rage and reminds us that the response to repression cannot be other than the intesification of the struggle against all those who steal the freedom we love so much.
Our thought is with them and we express our undivided solidarity.
Nothing remains unanswered!
Hands off the fighters!
Strength to Marios and Kostas!
Iniative of prisoners form the A pteryga of the Korydallos prison.
Translated by A-politiko for mpalothia
In greek