Greece, CCF: Anarchy has reminiscence


(Greece) CCF: Anarchy has reminiscence.

[Text for a gathering in memory of Sebastian Oversluij that took place in an anarchist squat in Chile]

One can never be really lost unless oblivion wrapps one in her arms.

It ‘s been three years now that comrade Sebastian Oversluij does not walk anymore through the paths of searching for the wild beauty of anarchist action. It’s been three years now that some of our brothers and sisters there in Chile feel his absence stretching their hearts. It is three years since the bullets of a sneak-security guard of the “Banco Estado” took his life, extinguishing the flame of the anarchist spirit that used to burn inside him.

But we, in our turn, as well as many others, we are not willing to let our comrade  disappear in the fog of oblivion. We honor our brother just like we honor his choice of passing into action, attacking a bank-a temple of money, emptying the enemy’s wallet, expropriating the minimum that we should get comparing to what authority expropriates from our own lives. The bank robbery carried out by an anarchist always carries inside the seed of refusal. The refusal to submit to a world where you ‘re restricted to sell your soul to the cruel laws of free market, so that you can live to work and work to consume and consume to fill in your existencial gaps with a pile of useless objects.

We know that we are very far away and that our words have to cross an entire ocean to reach you. But we hope you’ll be able to feel the affinity we all feel with all those who discover the ways to keep our brothers close to us at the events, in discussions, in our imagination, but above all at the continuing of spreading the constant anarchist revolt itself.

The members of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire- FAI/IRF

Mihalis Nikolopoulos
Giorgos Nikolopoulos
Haris Hatzimihelakis
Theofilos Mavropoulos
Panagiotis Argirou
Damiano Bolano

via Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras