Denver, USA: Road sign hacked with anti-police message



A few days ago we gained access to an electronic road sign on Broadway and Ellsworth, a busy area of this city and one of the main roads going through Denver. In the evening we broke into the control box and changed the message on the sign to say “FUCK THE POLICE” so that everyone out that night and everyone driving down Broadway could see it.

We did this minor action as a showing of resistance to the growing police state and systems of domination everywhere and in revolutionary solidarity with all those who choose to take action against these systems of domination and oppression and the police who uphold them, who choose to fight back, in revolutionary solidarity with all those who choose to take sides and NOT to remain innocent, people fighting in the streets, in the prisons and jails and detention centers: this is for you! From Denver to Milwaukee to the prison cells of  Korydallos to the mountains of Rojava: The fight lives on!

For constant attack- some anarchists

