Czech Republic: Anarchist prisoner Petr Mikoláš on hunger strike in solidarity with the US Prison Strike



Petr Mikoláš is so called social prisoner who had shared a cell with Lukáš Borl before the director of Litoměřice prison separated them into different cells. Petr and Lukáš became to be friends and Petr started to see similarities in between his and other stories of imprisoned ones pretty quickly. Petr Mikoláš after separation from Lukáš decided to go on hunger strike.

One of his reasons to start a hunger strike is to be in solidarity with striking prisoners in the US. We support Petr’s struggle as we would support any imprisoned being fighting against their oppressor.

Statement on the hunger strike of Petr Mikoláš

Hey all friends, my name is Petr Mikoláš. The failure of the state and basically state robbery led me to understand and recognize anarchistic values and therefore the need of revolution. I was deprived of all my property, social relations and family ties. And all of that only by a fictional and manipulated accusation by the police!

I was put in custody in September 2015 and I’m still here, totally isolated.

I understood that the representative democracy is manipulated and non-functional. I don’t want my children to grow up in such a totally sick system.

If repression is inflicted upon us, including physical attacks or captivity, we have incontestable right to defend ourselves. The impulse to self-defense is an instinctive human trait that is taken from us by every system. Therefore I agree with all the anarchistic values!
I start the hunger strike in the custody jail on the 1st of November 2016 and I want to:

-support all the prisoners on strike in USA
-demand a full vegan diet in the jail, acknowledging a tradition of not eating products coming from abused animals
-be reunited in a cell with Lukáš Borl from whom the authorities have separated me, right after the captors learned about our will to support others by the hunger strike. We want to have a chance to be in contact again!

Who wants to support us, write, call, or fax to the Litoměřice prison.

Petr Mikoláš 24.1.1972
Vazební věznice Litoměřice
Veitova 1
412 81 Litoměřice
Czech Republic

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