Chile: Update on Anarchist Prisoners Nataly, Juan & Enrique on trial since March 24, 2017


Received and translated by Insurrection News on 30.07.17:

The trial against the compañerxs began on March 24. It was expected that the trial would be long and exhausting, and it has been so far, since the prosecution had announced the presentation of 186 witnesses, 87 experts, 231 documents and 648 pieces of evidence.

As was previously reported at the beginning of the trial, the accusations of and convictions sought by the prosecution are as follows:

* Enrique Guzmán: Accused of making the explosive device used at Police Station No.1 in Santiago Centro. This charge has been formalized under the anti-terrorism law and the prosecution are demanding 10 years imprisonment.

* Nataly Casanova: Accused of making the explosive device used at Police Station No.1 in Santiago Centro, of placing the explosive device in the subway car at Los Dominicos metro station and possession of material for the preparation of explosives. The charges have been formalized under the anti-terrorism law and the prosecution are demanding 20 years imprisonment.

* Juan Flores: Accused of placing the explosive device used at Police Station No.1 in Santiago Centro, of placing the explosive device in the subway car at Los Dominicos metro station and the placement of the explosive device at Subcentro. The charges have been formalized under the anti-terrorism law and the prosecution are demanding life imprisonment for him.

At present the compxs are facing the daily ordeal of attending the trial. They are taken from their cells very early each day for the start of the trial sessions at approx. 9AM and then are returned to their cells at 2PM.

In the courtroom they are seated together however they have no contact with each other as a cop sits in between each compx to separate them.

A long and strenuous phase of the trial has been the presentation of evidence by part of the prosecutor’s office (DNA, traces, items seized in raids etc) as well as the current phase of statements by witnesses for the prosecution.

The witnesses for the defense have still not been heard and include friends and relatives, so they can’t enter hearings if they are not testifying as witnesses, which limits the possibilities of obtaining information about what is happening in the trial.

Via letters the compxs have been and will continue to be informed of the actions and initiatives of solidarity for them, and it has been transmitted to them the importance of writing and sharing how they have been coping with the trial and how they feel about the solidarity campaign.

From Chile, all of us who take part in some way supporting Nataly, Juan and Enrique salute the solidarity initiatives promoted by compxs from Argentina, Greece and other latitudes.

Against all the trials and condemnations of power, anarchic solidarity strengthens our affinities by sharpening our action against authority!

Death to authority!
Long live anarchy!
