Chile: Investigation period extended against anarchist comrades Juan, Nataly and Enrique


During the last days of August, the courts accepted the request from the defense for the comrades Juan Flores, Nataly Casanova and Enrique Guzmán who were seeking to re-open the investigation into the charges under the anti-terrorism law against the comrades. The intention of the defense is to gain access to a video that police claimed was key to their investigation, a video that neither the prosecution nor the police want to hand over.

The investigation period has been extended for another 30 days.

The prosecutors, faithful to their dishonesty declared: “The office of the prosecution has worked very seriously and very meticulously. The evidence in the investigation folder has been in the possession of all the participants from the beginning.”

Solidarity with Juan, Nataly and Enrique!

(via Publicacion Refractario, translated by Insurrection News)
