Chile: ALF Sabotages Livestock Truck


From the Bío-Bío region in the province of Arauco.

We are against human authoritarianism against different animals, whether through physical torture, mental stress, bad treatment, humiliation, rape, or death, benefits are gained for their sickly lives. Lives full of selfish and capitalist desires, like, for example, through pseudo “jobs”: fur shops, zoos, circuses, livestock, labs, universities, amusement park shows, etc.

For us, animals are not objects or merchandise, so we are upset and we sabotage the accomplices, exploiters, and murderers. We are not new at this, these ideas have been forged through time and in one way or another, action propels us. We will always go for more. In this manner we claim responsibility for an animal liberation action. On November 27 we executed a sabotage against a livestock truck (transporting animals to be murdered). Direct sabotage to domination, in which we left the tires useless and we blocked their locks with strong adhesive.

With this we take advantage and include our action in the informal coordination of the Animal Liberation Front that acts today in Southern Chile. [Scratched/killed] this current year, on March 17, warrior Javier Recabarren and on May 22, insurrectionary Mauricio Morales.

Finally, we want to say that today there is a new commemoration to the fall of anarcho-nihilist warrior Sebastián Oversluij, our action is dedicated to their memory and is a minimal expression towards the expansion of the struggle for animal and Earth liberation. It’s a conflictive anarchist position that advances despite the fallen warriors, as well as with every prisoner who doesn’t buckle in captivity. For all of them and for all of us, let’s continue in the battle insisting.

Sabotage domination!

Multiply the antispecist actions!

Sebastián Oversluij is present!

Animal Liberation Front
