Berlin, Germany: What is a robbery of a bank compared to the founding of a bank?



On 12/11/16 a banner was dropped at the Berliner Volksbank at Berlin-Hermannplatz in solidarity with those accused for bank robbery in the city of Aachen. The following was written on it: What is a robbery of a bank compared to the founding of a bank? Break out of the logic of profit”.

A lot of flyers where spread around the square, saying the following:

Whether medicinal plants or water and bread – everything gets valued and is not shared with those who need it. So property, poor and rich, the extent of greatest possible exploitation, is formed. It‘s about the profit, not the human being.

Some people have more, you’ve got less. Who owns a lot will not share voluntarily.

Daily things get stolen from me, only because I don‘t have a lot of money. Whether living space, food or neighbours chosen by myself – worldwide property creates an artificial economic shortage of things we need in our everyday life, so a system of exploitation can continue.

Cameras on every corner, total surveillance by digital social networks, controls of people who seem to be “suspicious” – controls for protecting authority, exploitation and property infiltrates every aspect of our lives.

To slog in front of the institutions of the authority, like the job center, the employer, the court, just to survive? Worldwide banks and the idea of property determine our necessary conditions.

Every free heart is a revolutionary struggle. Solidarity with our comrades in prison!

What is the expropriation of a bank compared to its founding?

In solidarity with those accused for bank robbery in the city of Aachen! The rich never give voluntarily. Just take!

To take from those who have more than they need – to steal in the supermarket, to rob banks, means to resist a bit against this logic. It means to steal back a bit of your life autonomously without buying or begging for it.

It‘s about the profit, not the human being.

Rob banks!

Eat the rich!

Steal back self-determination!

Some people have more, you’ve got less.

Destroy the system of exploitation!

Stealing in the supermarket – just do it!

Property is exploitation

Control secures authority

Stop control, stop exploitation

For a world without borders and control!

Solidarity with the people who are accused for bank robbery!

Every free heart is a revolutionary struggle

Solidarity with our comrades in prison

(via Linksunten Indymedia)

