Berlin, Germany: Rigaer94 – Call for Resistance and Publication of Wanted Posters for Police Officers


The police state unleashes its full range of possibilities: early this Monday, presumably 100 faces of people, who took part in the events of Hamburg, got published. The state campaign yielded completely its disguise of prosecution and started a smear, that should break any kind of resistance. Let‘s not be silent towards these incidents, this general attack on the last social and resistant elements remaining. To burn this society of snitches and murderers and fascism at the stake is a still unaccomplished duty.

It is clear to every reasonable human being, that the episode of Hamburg was absolutely necessary. The lies and fake debates of the repression authorities and the system conformant and right wing media did not achieve to rewrite the successful resistance against the G20. In one of the most self-confident democratic regimes of the whole world with a differenciated apparatus of power and the image of invincibility, ten thousands of people dared to uprise, taking great risks and partly serious consequences for their own lives. A composition of protests, resistant and offensive actions transformed the summit of the ruling powers into a disaster. A disaster for the brand of Hamburg, Germany and the most powerful themselves, whose most important meeting now has an unpredictable future.

A disaster is what the summit was also for the police. This institution that has, in the German empire as in fascist Germany and that of democracy never just been the executive but first and foremost the legitimating power of this nation of murderers and losers. We all know how deeply engrained the ideology of the police-state is in our society.

A society that threw a dead Rosa Luxemburg into the Landwehrkanal, even behind a bookshelf chased Anne Frank and sent her, with millions of other “subhumans” to Death camps; this society which in the end declares a German-national military (1) as the ‘resistance’, is fascist. The security-apparatus of the BRD, formed by the same butchers that hunted partisans and antifascists for the german nation all over europe without mercy , is fascist. The wider society and the executive powers reunited in the hunt on communists and brought the machinery against the guerilla groups that fortunately shot the bullet at the German embodied fascist Hans-Martin Schleyer to a till then never seen perfection, just a few years after the “liberation”.

The faces of the resistance were pasted up on wanted-posters on every corner, on every intersection one had to expect to be controlled by heavily armed police, the reintroduction of death-sentence was taken into consideration and put into practice through police work. The discourse in society, directed by the staff of media, politics and police set the course for countless fatal shootings , white torture and special laws against large parts of society. The police state, still in its infancy at the time of the murder of Benno Ohnesorg and under permanent threat of an uprising, has throughout the years developed into a state within the state. With the end of the urban guerilla and the new social movements we are faced with a society unable to bring forth a relevant opposition against this system. Not even when people are cruely tortured and murdered in the bunkers of police stations like Oury Jalloh from Dessau, who was burnt alive by a fascist pig.

The only retarding factor in the perfection of the totalitarian police state seems to be the careful proceeding of the head-strategists, as to not raise too much concerns with conservative civil rights activists.

Like us, they have less and less means and backing in a civil society that has decided, what the state does can not be wrong; what the press says is right, resistance is senseless.

The times of comfort zone protests have definitely passed. To this regard the German society got to the point again, where it has not been since 80 years. These are the key innovations and challenges for the resistance:

The mere participation on a demonstration can mean longtime prison.
The police can define areas, where their own law are in force.
The police can classify anyone as potential offender (‘Gefährder’) (2), to be able to imprison people without a court decision and surveil them completely.

Already before the G20 summit, measures against the people of the resistance have been taken. Persons, who are classified by the police as potential offenders, received bans to not come to Hamburg. Obligations to register with the police have been issued and enforced under threat to be punished by a fine and imprisonment. Furthermore visible observations with the purpose of intimidation and for sure area-wide undercover surveillance have been made.

There is no need for further explanation that during the summit the complete city of Hamburg has been under control by the police, which lead to ‘adaptation’ of civil rights and massive violence by the heavily-armed police troops.

The police activities before and during the summit did not show a new quality. Every major event of the past was accompanied by attacks by the security apparatus on societal conventions. But the mass of attacks and their implicitness with which they were exercised against formerly self-evident forms of protests in Hamburg were remarkable.

What’s been started after the summit is a qualitative leap. There are those claiming the riots were started by the state to smash resistance structures in a final campaign. This line of thought is bullshit as we know we all politically wanted the state disaster in Hamburg. To put an end to these conspiracy theories once and for all we take the political responsibility for everything that happened in Hamburg: from civil protests to the last stone that was thrown at cops. As a part of the rebellious structures we called for a demonstration in solidarity with all those facing repression shortly after the summit, in the future we will also not hide from the responsibility to further the revolt.  Those that only see a state conspiracy behind everything are incapacitating the resistance in all its properties and have no legitimation to speak in its name.

It’s clear now, that the state is fighting for its power of definition concerning this event in the same way as it seeks to rule over everything. Over our lives and social structures, the nature and the technics. In this battle for the capitalist and national idea the state will always use the means of fascism. It’s always the same methods being used again and again to denounce the resistance as criminal, non-political and unsocial (3). Doing so, the German state can rely on its police, its media and its people with their representatives. It’s hard to say, who is the most disgusting one of these creatures. Is it the chief of the special investigation group “Black Block”, who would hunt down anyone and everyone held in front of his fangs? Or is it Brechmittel-Scholz (4), who’s representing the dirty Bourgeoisie of Hamburg with their luxury limousines? Or the newspapermen being the executive power of the police’s propaganda. Or the collaborators with their smartphone footage handing over thousands of people to the hands of repression because they are cowards that fear to take control over their own lives and would love to march behind every Hitler.

Some of us were laughing about the last wave of raids, which was leaked before. Or about the fact that Fabio, the sympathic boy, is becoming a problem for the strategy of repression. Nevertheless the police strategy should not be underestimated. An important part of the strategy involves a long term propaganda to gain back the power of definition about the events of Hamburg. Who could believe that several months later, the G20 would still be on the daily agenda thanks to frequent press conferences organized by the police? And who could believe that the professional propaganda with almost endless resources would fail without our contribution?

That’s why we – at this point of extensive manhunt – renew our confession to the struggle against the state, the fascist organizations like the police, the secret services and right-wing structures as well as collaborators and snitches within the population and the press. Fabio and all those, who even in court keep their straight stance, are our role-models to defy fear and send greetings of freedom and solidarity to all those who face the repression, and the world of the G20.

On the occasion of the manhunt and because of the calls for denunciation of 100 people we decided to publish pictures of 54 police officers, who were part of last years eviction of Rigaer94. We would be happy to receive hints of their private addresses. They can be held responsible for the eviction as well as for the violence of the three weeks of occupation.

It’s important now, to put an end to our waiting attitude and empower the mobilization and solidarity of active structures. The demonstration after the wave of raids was a starting point (5). But with the next raids we have to grow in numbers. If we don’t have any other means, we at least have to take to the streets to take responsibility for our friends who are hunted by the state.

Everyone to the streets! Resolute and angry we fight the ruling order and stay strong in the face of repression!

(translated from

(1) Stauffenberg was a high ranking general who tried to kill Hitler. He was member of the aristocracy, who basically criticized Hitler for a bad strategy.

(2) ‘Gefährder’ is a term created by the German police and widely used in public debate to stigmatize and criminalize Muslim people. The use against leftists and anarchists is quite likely to be more widely adopted.

(3) Originally “asozial”, something between antisocial and unsocial.

(4) Brechmittel-Scholz: Major of Hamburg, who is renowned for ordering the use of poison (Brechmittel) by the police that would make people vomit in order to find out if they swallowed drugs.

(5) On December 5th police cracked down on several homes of people that were identified as participants of a block that was attacked by the police in the Rondenbarg street during the attempt to block the summit. As a reaction there were demonstrations in major cities all over Germany. 


