Berlin: Attack on the City of the Rich, Episode 34


Received 23/08/2020

An action in the context of the continuing devaluation of the city of Berlin and the international call for solidarity from Thessaloniki

Unbraked, the investors’ projects are eating their way through our neighbourhoods, compacting each area with new glass palaces. Whether the bubble will burst at some point or whether our actions will ever reach their pain limit – unknown.
Meanwhile the bar collective Syndikat was evacuated, the Squat Terra Incognita in Thessaloniki has also been evicted. Acutely threatened is the Liebig34.
Unimpressed, we continue to move around at night and cause some small damage. Like on August 20th at the Karl-Marx-Allee in Friedrichshain. Because the residents of condominiums also need exclusive furniture, corresponding shops appear.
Möbel Sitzfeldt, previously at Bethaniendamm in Kreuzberg, was often smasht there and is now involved in the run on hip Friedrichshain. From this store for the city of the rich we destroyed ten large glas panes.
The start-up company is specialized in the development of designer sofas, the price level of which ranges between 700 and 3,000 euros.
Attacks against this store triggered Tom Schreiber’s (*) campaign ( against autonomous spaces years ago, so there was already speculation about a direct connection between Sitzfeldt and him. Subsequently, they secured their previous location with special windows, an illusion of security, because we never forget.
We don’t know exactly how many attacks have happened since the Syndicat was evicted, but we are certain that it was more than what appears in the press. Therefore we think it is important to make even small actions visible. The attacks against de.indymedia (**) and the silence in the bourgeois press are signs of their fear of a mass coverage of our attacks and show that even small damages will have an economic impact at some point.
In order to counter this, we should go beyond publications on Geistige Gefährdungen ( or Chronik ( and try to make our militancy more visible.

Let’s go on!
Solidarity with all fighting occupations worldwide!
We join the call ( of the companions from Thessaloniki, who say

“This is our turn to proceed to full front offense. To war we respond with war. To the violence of the authoritarianism of the capital and the state we respond with violence. To the cruelty of individualization we respond collectively by sharpening our millitant confrontations.”

Join the feminist action week 07 – 13 September in Berlin! (

(*) Social Democrat MP who regularly incites against anarchists
(**) de.indymedia is down for denial-of-service attacks

(translation from )