Info night about the Juridical side of Squatting. Molli – van Ostadestraat 55hs, Amsterdam. Saturday, July 1, 07:00pm.
Submitted to Enough is Enough
Info night about the Juridical side of Squatting
It’s been more than six years that the “Squatting Ban” came in effect, a law that made it harder to squat empty buildings. The authorities have a range of new possibilities to evict more easily, but because of juridical procedures, among other things, it is not impossible to squat buildings without being evicted straightaway.
These procedures can be complicated and it’s hard to keep an overview. This is why lawyers Juanita van Lunen and Marcel Schuckink Kool organise infonights in various places about the juridical side of squatting after the Squatting Ban. What changed and how has this developed in the past years. And how can we resist the new tools that the state has given itself?
On the 1st of july there will be an infonight in the Molli, together with the Kraakspreekuur. Of course there’s lots of room for questions about anything and everything juridical that has to do with squatting.
Molli – van Ostadestraat 55hs, Amsterdam. Saturday, July 1, 07:00pm.