Worldwide: International solidarity with Exarcheia #Exarcheia_Resist


A big thanks towards all our sisters and brothers from all around the world for supporting us and standing by our side in these difficult moments. From Auckland till Australia, from Spain till Hong Kong, from Austria till Uruguay… SOLIDARITY WILL WIN!

They cant evict a global movement!
Against their repression, solidarity is our weapon!
We stand united!
“They tried to bury us, They didn’t know we were seeds!”


Queensland, Australia
(The black and red flag with the yellow sun in the middle is the one of Aboriginals)

Auckland, New Zealand

San Francisco, California, USA

Portland, USA

Montevideo, Uruguay

From Rio de Janeiro to Exarcheia (event)

From Porto Alegre (Brazil) to Exarchia

London, England
London Anarchist Federation
Anarcha Feminism

 Fron Glascow to Exarcheia

Magdeburg [MD] Four at a stroke – Solidarity greetings to Exarchia

Solidarity from the crew and the people of Iuventa10, that have rescued over 14,000 persons from drawing in Mediterranean sea. Now they are facing a criminal investigation and up to 20 years in prison.

Barcelona, Spain
Badalona, Spain
Madrid, Spain

#HambiBleibt forest, Germany
“One atack against our free spaces, is an attack towards all of us”

Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany

Leipzig, Germany
(After a demonstration in solidarity with Exarcheia)

#Osterholz forest
Wuppertal, Germany

#solidarity message to #exarcheia from a concert to celebrate 30 years of occupied trailer park ‘wem gehört die welt’ (whose world is this) in #cologne (Germany)

From Hamburg (Germany) to Exarcheia! No Pasaran!

On Tuesday greek police attacked the Athens neighbourhood of Exárchia. Three squatted houses were evicted, dozens of refugees and activists were arrested. This attack that was announced in recent weeks by the new right wing government of Greece is outrageous.

It was in Exárchia where in 1973 the revolt at the Polytechnical University was the beginning of the end of the fascist Junta that was toppled one year later. Like few other quarters in Europe Exárchia has stood for a consequent antifascism and antiracism, for solidary and self-organised neighbourhood structures ever since.

We are deeply worried that this attack could be the beginning of massive political purge of the quarter and of the massive eviction of refugees who had found a safe harbour there.

Solidarity with Exárchia! St. Pauli selber machen

Juwel, Germany

Utrecht, Netherlands

Tilburg, Netherlands
No Border Network

Beyond Europe
autonome antifa w
Vienna, Austria

Bordeaux, France

Toulouse, France

Marseille, France

Nantes, France

France: From Lyon to Exarcheia! No Pasaran!

Yesterday, we were in front of the Greek consulate (in Lyon,France) to express our solidarity to our comrades from Exárcheia but also to the residents and refugees who struggle daily against a major repression!
Since few days ago, the Greek state evacuate and rounding up residents of Exárcheia. Part of the city is encircled by police who have a white card: abusive controls, beatings, humiliations … Let’s not let them in indifference and forgetfulness!!
Solidarity is our strength

Nantes, France: Attack on the Consulate of Greece – August 29, 2019

Bern, Switzerland

Liege, Belgium

Warsaw, Poland

Rome, Italy

Genova, Italy
Genova Antifascista

Bulgaria, Macedonia

Lefkimi, Greece

Livadeia, Greece

Elefsina, Greece

Agrinio, Greece

Source Spirou Trikoupi 17 , Κατάληψη Στέγης Προσφύγων/Μεταναστών Νοταρά 26