Munich, Germany: French Consulate Vandalized in Solidarity with the ZAD


During the night from 16.05 to 17.05.2018 we painted the facade of the French Consulate in Munich with red laquer.

A few weeks ago, the French government launched the eviction of the ZAD (zone to defend) at Notre-Dames-des-Landes in Brittany. The ZAD was occupied a few years ago by hundreds of activists to prevent the construction of a major airport. Squatters moved into houses that had previously been cleared by the police, they built tree houses and new buildings. Over the years, the ZAD has become an experiment of a new society and a life beyond egotism, precarity and exploitation by the capitalist system.

After cancelling the airport project last year, the French government now wants to end the ZAD experiment with all its might: 2,500 cops began to clear the premises in the Spring of 2018 with truncheons, tear gas, bulldozers and tanks. They have only partially succeeded so far. Parts of the site are still occupied.

We are in solidarity with the opposition of the ZAD against the eviction and also with the strikes and resistance in schools, factories and on the street against Macron’s neo-liberal policy of dismantling social rights and tightening state control. We also greet all immigrants who are fighting for a life of dignity and self-determination and the right to freedom of movement.

50 years after the ‘historic’ Paris May, it’s time for new beginning of the uprising.

They commemorate – we fight together!!!

Freedom for all G20 prisoners!!!

(via Deutschland Indymedia, translated to English by Nae Clone for Mpalothia)