Athens, Greece: Anarchist comrade Grigoris Tsironis is Free from the house arrest


The Athens Appeals Council today accepted the application of anarchist comrade Grigoris Tsironis with which he asked for the replacement of his house arrest. Thus the conditions were replaced with a ban from leaving the country, he is also banned from leaving the region of south Attica, he has to remain at the address given as his permanent residence, he cannot spend the night away from this residence and must appear at the police station in his area every 5 days.

Grigoris was released after the 18 month pre-trial detention period had expired on December 7th, 2017 and in a further outburst of judicial arbitrariness they imposed an innovative condition of house arrest.

Despite the fact the bail conditions remain strict, the decision to lift his house arrest is a first win for him as well as the solidarity movement. It puts a first mound to the methods of the police-judicial complex which gathers all the elements a state of emergency in the face of the comrade as well the case he is accused of (Distomo robbers). DNA, anti-terror law, penalization of personal and family relations, the
vengeance of police and judicial authority.

The struggle continues until Grigori’s complete acquittal of all charges.

Until the collapse of the indictment for all those accused in the case.

Until the abolishing of judicial authority and all authorities.

Until the destruction of every prison.

Assembly against the new anti-terrorist campaign: “Distomo robbers”.

Translated by Act for freedom now!
