Spain: A mystery in Zaragoza


Around 21 or 22 November various media gave news of parcel-bombs received in the Aragon capital. According to these sources and with all the caution their credibility merits, things would have gone like this: the first intercepted parcel was allegedly received by the Italian Chamber of Commerce. Later, another by a branch of an Italian insurance company, which would immediately have alerted all its offices in the Spanish State. These were followed by others to other branches of the Italian insurance company. Of all the dispatched parcels, four according to the media of the Regime, two were allegedly authentic and two were fake.

According to what was published from the start, the devices were accompanied by instructions: leave the premises and alert the police; we suppose the devices were equipped with some kind of timer. In any case, the potential recipients had already been alerted and a bomb disposal expert was able to do a controlled detonation of the envelopes containing the explosive and splinters.

From the start the responsibility of anarchists was speculated, without discarding that of others, such as some disgruntled employee or customer.

A few days later the Zaragoza dailies confirmed the existence of an anarchist claim. “El Periódico de Aragón” published alleged excerpts of a communique. In it the work of the police in fabricating legal procedures was denounced. But, the detail of the news is that on the basis of the above, the Polizia Nazionale would have prohibited making the signature claiming responsibility for the attacks known. And this is strange, very strange. It is not normal practice. The fact that they deliberately leave out technical aspects or parts of the text, or the whole text, is normal, but not the name of the group or organization. What could be the reason for this unusual censorship? Groping around in mystery, three possible reasons come to mind:

A mere caprice of the authority in charge

The document didn’t supply any evidence of responsibility, even if this doesn’t seem likely

The action was carried out by hypothetically ‘dismantled’ comrades, which could interfere with future or ongoing investigations against other comrades extraneous to the signature. In a word, it would mean that police was left with their ass in the air, for the umpteenth time.

Until the communique is published (although it wouldn’t be surprising if it was sent only to State officials) we remain in doubt.

Translated by act for freedom now!
